Our Programs

At WellRight, we offer a number of unique programs to our clients.

Building Better Boundaires
Building better boundaries involves learning how to set boundaries, talking to others about your boundaries, and showing others you respect their boundaries. This workshop is going to help you build better boundaries, so you can feel happier and healthier.
Finding your balance
Are you supporting a loved one with a mental health or substance use concern? Often times caregivers put their own needs last. In this course you will learn to take care of yourself by finding your own balance, creating a network of support, learning personal coping strategies, and gaining useful tools to support yourself with hope and acceptance. This course is open to all who are looking for support: siblings, children, parents (of a youth or adult child), friends, partners, grandparents, or aunts and uncles.
Managing your Inner Critic
This course explores how you identify with yourself and your behaviors. In a group setting and individually, you will learn how to build strategies to challenge and deal with negative thoughts.
Self Care starter Pack
Taking care of yourself is not selfish; we all need time-out occasionally. In this course you will learn ways to take time for yourself, build up self- esteem, and maintain healthy boundaries in order to keep yourself mentally and physically well.
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