
Frequently Asked Questions

Can individuals truly learn to adopt a more positive happier mindset?

Absolutely! Our approach focuses on teaching a range of skills aimed at cultivating positivity and resilience. Through targeted instruction in cognitive reframing, assertiveness training, decision-making strategies, coping skills, creative brainstorming techniques, and relaxation methods, we provide a comprehensive framework for personal growth. By integrating these practices into your life, you can enhance your ability to navigate challenges, communicate effectively, make confident decisions, manage stress, unlock creativity, and find moments of peace. With dedicated guidance and practice, you can empower yourself to embrace a more positive outlook on life.

Aren’t some people incapable of learning due to severe deficits?

While individuals may encounter hurdles along their learning journey, our approach is inclusive and adaptable. We believe that everyone has the potential to develop and grow, regardless of their starting point. By focusing on building capacities and enhancing skills, we aim to empower individuals to interact more effectively and improve their quality of life. Our tailored programs and supportive environment ensure that each person receives the guidance and resources they need to thrive, regardless of their unique circumstances. With dedication and support, individuals can overcome obstacles and unlock their full potential

How do you address situations where individuals know what to do but struggle to implement the
skills they’ve learned?

There could be several factors at play. Firstly, individuals may not recognize the cues in their environment that should prompt them to use the skill. Additionally, the skill may not appear as efficient or effective as the problematic behavior, leading to reinforcement of the latter due to its immediate rewards or lower effort requirements. Moreover, situational variables such as distractions, pain, or hunger can influence behavior.

To address these challenges, our approach involves comprehensive assessment and personalized strategies. We work collaboratively with individuals to identify environmental cues, refine skills for efficiency and effectiveness, and develop coping mechanisms for managing situational variables. Through targeted interventions and ongoing support, we empower individuals to bridge the gap between knowing and doing, enabling them to apply their skills confidently in various contexts.

What is the main objective of behavior coaching?

The primary goal of behavior coaching is to empower individuals to attain emotional fulfillment and cultivate positive social interactions and functioning. Through the cultivation of resilience and well-being, our coaching aims to emphasize positive characteristics, instilling confidence, fostering cooperation, nurturing independence, and promoting overall resilience and well-being. Our approach focuses on showcasing to individuals that they possess the capacity to develop positive social interactions and adapt effectively to their environment. By guiding them through personalized strategies and interventions, we strive to equip individuals with the tools necessary to navigate life’s challenges confidently and demonstrate adaptive functioning in various contexts.

Isn’t it important to identify a persons challenging behaviour to get a better understanding of why
it is occurring?

While it’s valuable to identify triggers, recognize patterns, and understand the function of behavior, it doesn’t have to be our sole focus. At our core, we believe in leveraging strengths and character to empower individuals and their support networks. By shifting the focus towards what individuals can achieve, rather than solely on the problem behavior, we can reduce frustration and resistance to change. Our approach emphasizes building on strengths, enabling individuals and their support systems to concentrate on positive outcomes and fostering a sense of accomplishment

What sets Behavior Coaching apart from Behavior Therapy?

What Behavior Therapy, rooted in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), primarily concentrates on modifying problem behavior through environmental adjustments and reinforcement techniques. It often views an individual’s actions as responses to environmental triggers and consequences. 

On the other hand, Behavior Coaching takes a more holistic approach. It emphasizes individual responsibility and agency, recognizing that people have control over their decisions and actions. By empowering individuals to take ownership of their choices, Behavior Coaching fosters intrinsic motivation and a sense of empowerment. Rather than solely focusing on problem behaviors, Behavior Coaching encourages individuals to harness their autonomy and make positive changes based on their own preferences and values.

How do you integrate ABA principles into your approach?

At our practice, we seamlessly blend components of ABA with the principles of positive psychology to foster lasting behavioral change. By combining these approaches, we aim to instill a sense of self-confidence and empowerment in individuals, promoting learned optimism and enhancing their overall well-being. 

While ABA traditionally employs reinforcing statements that focus on the person delivering praise rather than the individual accomplishing the task, our coaching approach takes a different route. We prioritize praising the individual and highlighting their inherent traits and strengths. By shifting the focus from external validation to internal recognition, we cultivate self-confidence and self-worth. This approach teaches individuals that they are accountable for their achievements, fostering a sense of agency and personal responsibility.

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